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AI Chat Privacy Notice

This AI Chat Tool is powered by Noodle, a third party provider, contracted by the University.

When you engage with or participate in this chat feature, your chats may be recorded, and the transcripts of your communications, along with the information you provide, may be used in order to assist you during the chat session, to provide customer support, to improve our products and services, and for marketing purposes.

Information that you provide in this chat may also be routed to OpenAI’s ChatGPT, which may process the data in order to assist you.

Before engaging with this AI Chat Tool, and providing any personal information, we encourage you to read the Noodle’s privacy policy. Your information, provided during your interaction with this tool, will fall under Noodle’s privacy policy and practices.

For information on how the George Washington University may use your personal information, please review our Statement of Privacy Practices.